From strategy to growth
We can support you from concept to implementation, whatever stage you’re at.
We use our 5E process to create your new platform business.
Our 5-steps process is based on our experience in creating and developing over 150 platforms over the past 10 years. This process guides you through the essential phases, from strategic ecosystem analysis to identifying platform opportunities, to designing a platform concept to secure buy-in and seed funding, to launching and growing your platform, based on genuine network effects. Below is a detailed description of the “5E process”.
A 100x-proven process
Identify platform opportunities for your company
Duration : 1 month
Aim: identify & select opportunity areas with a broader ecosystem perspective
Launch a platform MVP (minimum viable platform) to win the first customers and validate the market
Duration: 12 months
Aim: build MVP & tech; launch and attract first customers; solve the chicken-egg-problem; build team capabilities & setup venture operations
Result: proof of business case
Accelerate the ramp-up of your platform business
Duration : 12 months
Aim: pre-assessment of current status to identify bottlenecks to scale; define & execute growth initiatives / actions; create strong network effects; secure Serias A funding
Result: platform Scale-Up
Explore strategic growth opportunities for your platform
Duration : 3 months
We reduce risk and accelerate your platform’s growth.